Adult Leagues
Youth Leagues
-- training programs --
Kiddie Kickers
Soccer Ninjas
Indoor Softball
Field Rental
Soccer Camp
Coerver Training
T-Ball Leagues
Advertise @ RE
* Must be paid in full by 1st game of 1st session
* Call for Session W1, Week 1 bye due to outdoor playoffs
** Please note on application if able to start on Oct 28
Saturday and Sunday are primary days with week days as overflow.
Individual players will be placed on a team if a coach in the appropriate age bracket requests additional players to fill their roster. Additionally, if enough individual applications are received for a given age bracket River's Edge will form a new team made up of individual applicants.
The fee for individual registration is $115 for new players (includes triple threat belt) or $110 for returning players (already have triple threat belt) -due @ registration. We must receive payment before you will be placed on a team.