youth soccer registration
Register NOW online or call 513.264.1775 to reserve your spot!
Important Information
Game Cancellations/Forfeits/Reschedules: We are unable to reschedule games to accommodate team conflicts unless it is brought to our attention in the comments box located above or at the time of registration. We MAY be able to accommodate conflicts sent to us after registration that are sent to us prior to the schedule being written, but it is not guaranteed.
Forfeits: Forfeiting team will receive a 4-0 loss. Multiple forfeits may lead to expulsion from the league with no refund.
Primary Game Day/Alternate Game Day: Typically an age group/league will play their games on a designated day. River's Edge will try to schedule at least 5 of your 8 games on the designated day unless otherwise agreed upon. River's Edge will try to accommodate any team that would prefer to play on the alternate day.
Payments: Full payment must be received at first game of session. (One check for total amount is much appreciated. Thank you.)
Team Rosters: Completed rosters are due prior to first game of session. Please see roster for additional information.
Adult Team Rosters: You may only have 2 younger players and they must qualify for the next-younger bracket. (example: Coed 30+ may have 2 players under 30, but they must be at least 25.)
Referee Fees: Teams are responsible for referee fees (per team, per game) of: $15 (boarded field), $30 (unboarded), $ (3v3 leagues).